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Related to assessment: Formative assessment, assessment tools


an appraisal or evaluation.
fetal assessment see fetal assessment.
focused assessment a highly specific assessment performed on patients in the emergency department, focusing on the system or systems involved in the patient's problem.
functional assessment an objective review of an individual's mobility, transfer skills, and activities of daily living, including self care, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion, and communication. It is used to establish a baseline, to predict rehabilitation outcomes, to evaluate therapeutic interventions, and for standardizing communication for research purposes.
lethality assessment a systematic method of assessing a patient's suicide potential.
neurologic assessment see neurologic assessment.
nursing assessment see nursing assessment.
primary assessment a rapid, initial examination of a patient to recognize and manage all immediate life-threatening conditions. Called also primary survey.
secondary assessment a continuation of the primary assessment, where the medical professional obtains vital signs, reassesses changes in the patient's condition, and performs appropriate physical examinations.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Evaluation of the patient using selected skills of history-taking; physical examination, laboratory, imaging, and social evaluation, to achieve a specific goal.
2. Appraisal or analysis of conditions, disorders, data, or a patient's overall state.
[M.E. assessen, eto evaluate, fr. Med.L. assideo, pp. assessus, to sit in judgment, as to estimate a charge or apportion a tax]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Graduate educationUK A systematic procedure for measuring a trainee's progress or level of achievement against defined criteria to make a judgement about him or her.
MedspeakUK The evaluation of a person at the point of first contact with health and social services, during which time information is collected to identify the patient’s needs and formulate a treatment plan.
Psychiatry See Evaluation.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Medtalk Evaluation. See Exposure assessment, Functional assessment, Nutritional assessment, Probabalistic safety assessment, Process assessment, Quality assessment, Quantitative risk assessment, Risk assessment.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Synonym(s): evaluation.
2. Synthesis of clinical findings into a clear understanding of presenting conditions that inform treatment strategies.
3. The part of a medical record, typically a SOAP (q.v.) note, when the patient's complaint, diagnosis, and prognosis are recorded.
[M.E. assessen, to evaluate, fr. Med.L. assideo, pp. assessus, to sit in judgment, as to estimate a charge or apportion a tax]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Evaluation of the patient using selected skills of history-taking; physical examination, laboratory, imaging, and social evaluation, to achieve a specific goal.
[M.E. assessen, to evaluate, fr. Med.L. assideo, pp. assessus, to sit in judgment, as to estimate a charge or apportion a tax]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about assessment

Q. Regarding risk-factor assessment? Hello, I am……….., I heard ACSM has recently issued a new edition of its exercise guidelines. Were any changes made regarding risk-factor assessment?

A. Are you fitness professional? I understand that you are very much interested in food guidelines. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest guidelines and standards. This is particularly true this year, which has seen new USDA Food Guidelines in January, a revised Food Pyramid in May and, most recently, the release of the 7th edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. The good news is that the ACSM risk factors have been minimally revised. For your reference, here is a summary of what has and has not changed for the 2006 edition.

Q. assessment of down syndrom

A. down syndrome is a very easy diagnosis - it just need a chromosome check and seeing 3 (instead 2) chromosomes number 21. -

More discussions about assessment
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References in periodicals archive ?
Finally, although a seasoned assessment professional may have extensive knowledge of many of the concepts offered in Higher Education Assessments, there are some ideas that will help assessment professionals gain the support of senior leadership at their institutions.
Chapter 2, "Assessment Frameworks That Can Make a Difference in Achieving Institutional Outcomes," builds upon Chapter 1 by discussing areas in which senior leadership should concentrate, such as identifying components of an institution-wide assessment plan and building a culture of evidence that reinforces institutional goals and mission.
Assessment: The Qashqai is handsome; now if we only knew how to properly pronounce the name?
Assessment: Bigger may not be better, but the new Mini's interior is top-notch ...
Thanks to these strategies, risk assessment and business continuity planning are seen as valuable activities that benefit the university as a whole as well as the individual departments.
The results also showed that majority of teachers carried out assessment practice without understanding these practices properly which negatively influence students' achievement and teachers' performances.
The internal assessment of the students is calculated as a cumulative percentage of all the test scores and midterm examination.
Cresswell (2001) stated that, old and traditional sorts of assessment activities are not suitable for assessing the expressive and communicative skills.
Formative assessment also known as assessment for learning, is a major source for improvement of students' learning (Clark, 2010; Eyal, 2012; Johannesen, 2013).
Assessment in medical education in Pakistan: evaluating evaluation.
Many of the technical quality issues for integrating performance assessment into large-scale assessment systems have been overcome, and states have made significant progress tackling issues of implementation, but many political, communication, and leadership challenges will continue.
Just as Macauley's assessment experience and wisdom show in his chapters, Schendel's assessment curiosity and years of active assessment and writing center work, scholarship, and service (chairing or serving on various university assessment committees) show in her efforts to share key strategies for collaborating in writing center assessment efforts and for managing, reporting, and using assessment.

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