You have a unique painting language
This course will show you how to start expanding your vocabulary
and become ever more fluent

​​​​​​​Twelve years ago, I was trying everything, taking a million classes, learning from teachers whose work I loved, enjoying it all... and still ending up as confused as ever. 

Over time, that changed for me, but it was quite a long time, because I couldn't find anyone to teach me how to paint like me. Unsurprisingly! No one outside of us can truly teach us that.

In fact, one of the most exciting and rewarding things about painting process is that path of discovery.

The one that leads us home to ourselves as artists and humans, expressing the truth of who we are and what has meaning for each of us. But that doesn't mean we can't have help!

Perhaps you do have some idea of your personal painting language. You may already be making repeated marks and shapes, or using a colour palette or exploring a subject that looks and feels 'like you'. But perhaps you've got stuck in a rut, or you know there's more but are not sure how to uncover it. Perhaps you want to expand your language beyond its first few basic words. 

While I do offer a full in depth course for developing your unique language {Abstractify}, this one will get you off and running wherever you currently find yourself with your art. The lessons are applicable to any painting - you can use them to revive those old neglected unfinished ones languishing in the corner, or you can use them to start brand new work.

“Another wonderful experience and opportunity to grow as an artist (I'm starting to feel like one!)  Thank you thank you!”
Alison K, student

This course is for you if:

  • You're feeling confused about what's 'yours' in your art
  • Your favourite inspirations and influences feel too prevalent in your work
  • You need concrete actions to take with solid ideas behind them
  • You perhaps don't have the time for a longer course, but would benefit from the opportunity to explore your own work and begin to develop it
  • You work better with some guidance and a flexible container to get you started
  • You have quite a few unfinished or stalled paintings lying around and don't know what to do with them
  • You sometimes have trouble actually starting a painting
“I am now in a much happier place in my art with a new direction to go into - me, my real self. Thank you for all your encouragement, and the new avenues you've opened up.”
Elizabeth W, student

About Tara

I'm Tara, your friendly artist, teacher, and creative encourager. :)

I believe that deep down we all want our art to be a true expression of who we are and how we experience the world. My courses are about uncovering that part of us and allowing our art to reveal it. It takes time and perserverance, but it's entirely possible.

I used to find myself continually frustrated by my apparent inability to make the kind of expressive, free art I knew was inside me. Like many, I was taught that realism was what proved you were 'good at art', and while that stood me in good stead in many ways, it wasn't where I wanted to stay.

Over the past decade I've been exploring, experimenting, and making a lot of mess in the name of freedom of artistic self expression. In this course I'm sharing some of the insights I've discovered that can have a meaningful and lasting impact on your work, and, most significantly, really help to make it yours.

8 fun, practical lessons

including extra tips, videos, and resources

One: How do I even start?!
We'll look at ways in to a new painting that are easy to implement, and how to stay focused

Two: Multiples & Marks
The benefits of making many paintings at a time, and a fun way to jump into doing that

Three: Making Conversation
This exercise is like a game, only all the moves are yours :)

Four: Getting Edgy
Paying attention to your edges will result in more dynamic, effective paintings

Five: Staying Loose
A huge stumbling block for many, here's a deceptively simple way to loosen up

Six: Details Details
Whatever your style, the details are as worthy of attention as the rest - here's how to make sure they're working

Seven: Bold Moves
Sometimes grand gestures are required! Here's one of my favourite ways to turn a painting around
Eight: Becoming Fluent
One easy way to assess progress and look for patterns in your work

This course (plus lots more)
​​​​​​​is now available exclusively inside the
Happy Artist Studio!
​​​​​​​Click here to learn more.

Valued at £39

  • 8 lessons that can be applied to both stalled/unfinished and new paintings
  • Extra tips, ideas, suggestions, videos, and resources to support the lessons
  • Full access as a member - start when you're ready and take it at your own pace

Visit the Happy Artist Studio
