
I’m an author in quarantine.

COVID-19 stopped many people’s lives. For me, it opened up time and space, allowing me to pursue my heart’s deepest passion… storytelling.

My stories are fiction but inspired by real life events, historical happenings, and deep spiritual transformation.

If you’re into magic, metaphysical studies, crystals and spiritual healing, you’re going to love my stories.


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Third Book in Progress

If you’re an aspiring author or a newbie author (like me!) I highly encourage the “How to Write Best Selling Fiction” lecture series.

Thanksgiving Book Release

It’s Thanksgiving in America and I’m thankful I got my second book finished in time to relax and enjoy the holiday with my family.


My year, 2020, started at a new job pursuing black jack casino dealing. Then COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. and forced me to step away from the loud, bustling and smoky environment.

Quarantine brought me back to my true nature, and I am now proud to say I am a published author. I am currently creating a series filled with everything I love about the mystical nature of the world around us.

I’m proud to be adaptable and embrace change with vigor… (most of the time anyways!). I’ve always loved writing and storytelling. I’ve always loved New Age stores and metaphysical studies. I’m entranced by the mysticism of Eastern philosophy and the miraculous results of spiritual healing like chi gong and yoga.

In my series, The Conduit, my main character, Diwata, takes on the undertaking of becoming the next great Babaylan; a shaman that embraces five archetypes: the healer, the warrior, the seer, the priestess, and ultimately, the teacher.

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