Gratz CTE Application
This application is necessary in order to be considered for the Career and Technical Education Program for the 2021-2022 school year. Admittance to the program is also dependent on having a strong attendance record during your 9th grade year (in person or virtual). Admission to the program is not guaranteed- please complete all parts of the application and contact Mrs. Dewey-Uyehara at or 215-704-3253 with any questions. If you would like to learn more about a program, watch the following videos.
Health Tech:
Comm Tech:
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What is your full name? *
What is your student ID number? *
Which CTE program are you interested in applying to? Choose all that apply- rank your choices. *
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Not Interested
Health Technology- Health science and procedures, prepares you for a career in the medical fields
Hospitality & Culinary Arts- Culinary arts, menu design, nutrition, and restaurant management
Communications Technology- Film and video editing, graphic design and printing, branding
Which of the following would you say are your strengths? Choose all that apply. *
Which of the following would you say are your growth areas? Choose all that apply. *
If accepted, I commit to participating in the CTE program of my choice from 10th-12th grade. This course is a 2-credit blocked class each year. *
If accepted, I commit to maintaining 90% or higher attendance. *
In 100 words or less, describe why you are interested in participating in CTE. How will being part of CTE prepare you for your future pathway or career? *
Please provide the name of a teacher at Gratz who can recommend you for the program. If you are applying to Health Technology, make sure to provide a math or science teacher. *
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