UBS On-Air podcasts

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Market Moves

Market Moves brings you beyond the highs and lows of the ticker, with conversations that can broaden your thinking about market behavior

In the Now

In the Now examines the events shaping our world as they unfold, with insight and discussions you may not find anywhere else


Conversations offers a surprising array of fresh perspective—it’s advice beyond investing, with topics that can take you anywhere

UBS On-Air: Market Moves

Wealth Management Americas

Viewpoints with Burkhard Varnholt - A global markets podcast (Ep. 8)


On this week’s episode of Viewpoints, Burkhard explains the underestimated importance of the upcoming European elections, football championships, and the Olympics, along with what investors can learn from professional athletes, coaches, and teams.

UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'Polling problems'


Japan published some labor market data, with April cash earnings. On a like-for-like comparison, these were somewhat weaker than expected (and they remain negative in real terms). There are two points worth bearing in mind. An increasing share of Japanese consumers do not depend on earnings to finance consumption, because of population aging. And more of the Japanese economy has been supported by foreign consumers as tourists.

How should I be positioned? with Paula Campbell Roberts (KKR) and Jason Draho (UBS CIO)


Paula joins Jason in-studio for a discussion around the US macroeconomic environment, including an outlook for growth, inflation and Fed rate cuts. We also spend time outlining portfolio positioning preferences. Featured is Paula Campbell Roberts, Chief Investment Strategist for Global Wealth, KKR, and Jason Draho, Head of Asset Allocation Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Paul Donovan Daily Audio 'Immigration and consequences'


The US provides the main data releases. JOLTS data on job vacancies is expected to continue to decline. The initial surge in vacancies in 2021 was strongly influenced by labor market churn. As that subsided, vacancy rates fell. Nominal wage growth continues to slow, which argues against a tight labor market.

Top of the Morning: CIO Strategy Snapshot - Convergence


To begin the week (and a new month), Jason reflects on May market performance drivers, and outlines what investors should be mindful of throughout the month of June, and into the summer season. We also take a pulse on current investor sentiment, and review the current allocation recommendations per the June UBS House View. Featured is Jason Draho, Head of Asset Allocation Americas, UBS Chief Investment Office. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: In the Now

Washington Weekly Podcast: Presidential debates, FAA Bill, Ukraine update


We preview the current calendar for US Presidential debates, unpack the FAA Bill and the implications for consumers, and share takeaways from Secretary of State Blinken’s recent visit to Ukraine. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: Israel-Hamas War, Capitol Hill roundup


Following a pause of arms shipments to Israel from the US, Shane outlines what the response has consisted of and what might come next. We also cover this week’s efforts to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson from his post, along with the testimonies on Capitol Hill surrounding antisemitism across US school campuses. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: US Southern border, Middle East tour, House Speaker Johnson


Our conversation covers recent developments and potential executive action surrounding the US-Mexico border, Secretary of State Blinken’s Middle East regional tour, and a motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: Decision ’24 Polling, Agenda for Congress, US-China relations


This week we examine what national polling in currently pointing to for the race for the White House, including takeaways from this week’s Pennsylvania primary. Shane also outlines some upcoming agenda items and focuses for Congress, and shares his expectations for Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to China. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisor, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Washington Weekly Podcast: Geopolitics roundup, Congressional aid packages


In the wake of recent direct conflict between Israel and Iran, Shane recaps where the conflict stands and what the response has consisted of. We also preview a key weekend up on Capitol Hill where the House is slated to vote on legislation aimed at delivering several aid packages, with House Speaker Johnson’s future in question. Featured is Shane Lieberman, Senior Governmental Affairs Advisors, Governmental Affairs US. Host: Daniel Cassidy

UBS On-Air: Conversations

The ARTicle Podcast: Delaware Freeport


UBS Art Advisory Specialist, Matthew Newton, is joined Fritz Dietl, Founder and President of Dietl International Services and Delaware Freeport, to discuss the fine art shipping and storage industry and important considerations collectors often need to make when it comes to maintaining a collection.

Addressing Mental Health through Animal Therapy


In recognititon of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we are joined by Soulpaws to better understand how eating disorders can impact a person’s day-to-day life, and how animal therapy can help. Featured is Shannon Kopp, Founder of Soulpaws. Host: Shiavon Chatman

Behavioral Finance: Action Bias 101


We explore the behavior of action bias, including a look at when it might and might not makes sense for one to adjust their investment approach, along with strategies to consider that can protect against the behavior of action bias. Featured are Justin Waring, Senior Total Wealth Strategist, and Katie Williams, Discovery Strategist, from the UBS Chief Investment Office, along with Mark Halloran, Head of Business Development for Individual Markets with Transamerica. Host: Daniel Cassidy

Family Office Solutions in Focus - Navigating the healthcare system to be confident in your medical decisions


Leora Zach, Client Solutions Specialist for our Family Office Solutions, sits down with Stefan Zachar and Rebecca Bux from PinnacleCare to discuss why families with significant wealth could benefit from a private health advisor and the current state of the healthcare landscape in the US.

In FOcus: Family governance and educating the next generation


Mark Tepsich, Family Office Design and Governance Strategist for Family Office Solutions sits down with Kirby Rosplock, PhD Founder and CEO of Tamarind Partners to discuss how education and family governance go hand in hand especially when it comes to preparing the next generation for the responsibilities of the wealth they are born in to and the complexities that come with it.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Spanish

Reporte sobre Global Family Offices 2024


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas, y Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, comparten un resumen de nuestro reporte anual sobre Global Family Offices de 2024.

Invirtiendo en infraestructura de energías renovables


La sostenibilidad es un tema que está en todas partes, impacta nuestra vida diaria de múltiples maneras y, a menudo, resulta abrumadoramente complejo. En un mundo donde es difícil discernir cómo efectuar un cambio positivo, surge la pregunta: ¿qué se necesita para generar un impacto real? En este episodio se aborda un aspecto distinto de esta cuestión, adoptando una perspectiva sólidamente fundamentada y cuestionándola con datos y argumentos, en ocasiones, contraintuitivos. Los desafíos recientes han pesado sobre la inversión en energías renovables. Especialmente, las preocupaciones sobre las tasas de interés más altas durante más tiempo y las presiones de costos perjudican las estrategias de capital público en energía renovable. Pero las grandes brechas de inversión, la inversión corporativa y las políticas gubernamentales se están volviendo más favorables. El Global Infrastructure Hub espera que la brecha de inversión en infraestructura mundial se amplíe a USD 15 billones para 2040, lo que representa una considerable oportunidad para explotar. Por lo tanto, las inversiones privadas en energías renovables pueden ofrecer rendimientos atractivos y una diversificación vinculada a tendencias duraderas como la inteligencia artificial y la transición hacia una economía baja en carbono. Más información sobre Inversión Sostenible aquí:

Análisis de Perú y México ante nuevos desafíos


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Gabriela Soní, Chief Investment Officer en UBS México, y Pedro Quintanilla-Dieck, Estratega Senior de Mercados Emergentes en UBS Americas, hablan sobre las perspectivas económicas y de calificación crediticia para Perú, así como el panorama ante las elecciones de México.

Conversación con Mauricio Cardenas, Profesor de Columbia y ex ministro de Hacienda de Colombia


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas en UBS, entrevista a Mauricio Cardenas, Profesor de Columbia y director de la Maestría en liderazgo global en esa universidad, al igual que ex ministro de Hacienda de Colombia. Discuten las tendencias macroeconómicas y políticas clave de la región, aquellos países que generan más ilusión y más cautela, el posible impacto de las elecciones estadounidenses en Latinoamérica, y principios clave de liderazgo en tiempos de crisis.

Panorama económico y geopolítico - Reuniones de primavera del Fondo Monetario Internacional y Banco Mundial


En este episodio de LatAm Access, Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer Emerging Markets Americas en UBS, quien tuvo la oportunidad de participar en las reuniones de primavera del Fondo Monetario Internacional y Banco Mundial en Washington DC, resume los puntos clave de la conferencia. La política monetaria de la Fed, el déficit fiscal estadounidense, y las tensiones geopolíticas en Medio Oriente, dominaron la conversación.

UBS On-Air: LatAm access Portuguese

Mudando o panorama da alfabetização no Brasil


Hoje, milhões de crianças no Brasil em idade escolar são tecnicamente analfabetas. O desafio é enorme, mas existem soluções provadas para resolver o problema. Neste episódio do Latam Access, Kai Grunauer-Brachetti, Diretor Executivo para a América Latina do UBS Social Impact and Philanthropy, conversa sobre os desafios da alfabetização no Brasil com Denis Mizne, CEO da Fundação Lemman, uma das organizações que está liderando a iniciativa Alianza pela Alfabetização. Saiba mais sobre filantropia aqui:

Brasil em foco: Riscos políticos, eleições e perspectivas para 2024 em diante


Como medir os riscos políticos e os impactos da calamidade no Rio Grande do Sul? De que modo as relações institucionais entre os Poderes estão moldando a governança da Presidência? As eleições municipais vão funcionar como termômetro para a corrida presidencial em 2026? O que esperar da nova composição do Banco Central? E como “fechar” a conta fiscal em 2025? Ouça o novo episódio de abril, conduzido por Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil no UBS GWM) e Solange Srour (diretora de macroeconomia para o Brasil no UBS GWM), com a participação especial do renomado jornalista e consultor político, Thomas Traumann. Saiba mais sobre Economia e Mercados aqui:

Queda adiada? As perspectivas para os juros nos EUA e os impactos dentro e fora do Brasil


Nesse episódio de abril, Luciano Telo (CIO para o Brasil no UBS GWM) e Ana Salles (Portfolio Manager do UBS GWM) analisam as recentes mudanças no cenário americano, com a perspectiva de adiamento da queda de juros devido ao ritmo forte da economia e da inflação persistente, e os impactos nos mercados de ações nos EUA e em outros localidades.

Mercados em movimento - Juros, inflação e as oportunidades escondidas


Nesta edição, nossos especialistas do UBS GWM mergulham nos últimos acontecimentos do mercado. Luciano Telo (CIO Brasil), Ronaldo Patah (estrategista de investimentos Brasil) e Solange Srour (diretora de macroeconomia Brasil) analisam os dados de inflação nos Estados Unidos, os novos indicadores de atividade econômica global e os impactos das recentes decisões de política monetária do BCB e do Fed para as diferentes classes de ativos. Descubra como navegar neste cenário acompanhando este episódio inédito.

Regulamentação da lei de tributação de bens no exterior


Novo episódio, Mari Yoshioka conversa com Nicole Najjar do Mattos Filho sobre as novidades trazidas pela Instruçäo Normativa 2.180/24 em relação às importantes decisões que deverão ser tomada em breve.

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