Welcome to R-Casts.

Page currently still under construction but more or less usable now.

This is a repository of Youtube videos intended for R Learners, and in particular those who are outside Statistics and Computer Science backgrounds.

The video series will focus on how to use R to carry out statistical analysis for research. As such, there will be very little “data science” material (dplyr, data.table, rcpp etc) covered. We advise using sites like http://www.DataCamp.com for that.

1) Getting Started with R

In this section we will start off by looking at how to install R, set up basic data sets, and learn about simple, but really useful commands.

2) Data Wrangling

In this section, we will look at how to “wrangle” (i.e. transform and condense data) data.

3) Transferring Data

In this section, we will look at how to transfer data from one environment to another.

4) Statistics with R

This section will include videos on basic maths operations, probability and more advanced statistical analyses.
