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*Through the Lens of Messiah
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Through the Lens of Messiah

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Over the years, I have studied the bible with love through the lens of the Jewish Messiah without western filters getting in the way of the textural understanding. I have compiled lists of information and wisdom from many sources here. I have combined copious amounts of language, history and Hebraic context to build these studies on the shoulders of greater people before me, so I appreciate all of them and all credit goes to God.
[Bible studies are narrated with italicized brackets]  View studies in order for appropriate context.

Through the lens of Messiah

  1. God's Marriage and Divorce 
  2. Are we under the law?
  3. Faith and Love
  4. Law of Love
  5. Jesus and the 10 commandments
  6. The inwardly Jew
  7. Jesus Genealogy
  8. Flesh vs Spirit
  9. God is One
  10. God's Time 
  11. Tribulation 
  12. Run to the Mountains
  13. Hanukkah
  14. Remembering Passover with Yeshua
  15. Passover Seder Plate Tradition
  16. Proclaim The Name
  17. Red words of Jesus 
  18. The Power of our Voice
  19. WOW! The End From the Beginning
  20. A First Century Conversation
  21. Bible Names that preserve God’s Name
  22. Understanding Colossians
  23. Connecting Your Prayers
  24. Judge NOT
  25. Antithesis to Love
  26. I Want to Follow Jesus
  27. Align With Who?
  28. Rightly Divide The Word
  29. Not appointed us to wrath
  30. NEW! God forgave sin before Jesus
  31. NEW! God’s Arm: The Holy Spirit
  32. NEW! Keep My Commandments
  33. NEW! The Hot The Cold The Lukewarm
  34. NEW! Let There Be Light
  35. NEW! Yeshua our High Priest
  36. NEW! Spiritual Vision
  37. NEW! Begotten and Born