The course is designed to help those who want to advance in their Senior Leadership and Executive Leadership roles. It is provided in a cohort format to build a stable community and provide a supportive peer group.

There will be weekly assignments to facilitate

  • growth
  • learning and
  • inspired action

Each week the curriculum is provided online in a three part module:

  • 1 hour in an Online Cohort Setting
  • 1:1 Coaching
  • Leadership Journal for Introspection and Reflection

Six Part Learning Modules:

Client Testimonial

Leena Mendoza and her intentional Leadership program have been everything I needed. Working with Leena has been a game-changer. I've launched my 30 Day Goal Challenge. In addition, I'll soon be offering a coaching program. Every step she creates is intentional, to move you forward and not waste any more time. She is able to quickly see your skills and show you how to package them in a profitable and sustainable way. Leena has a way of pulling it out of you, teaching you how to own it and put all the pieces together in the best ways. She is fierce and brilliant. She strategically partners with you, using her resources and knowledge to catapult you towards your success.

-Keandra Marion-Bell

I help translate purpose into action by guiding leaders to reach their full potential.

I facilitate the process of ideas into full implementation. And I guide leaders to identify their gifts and how to use them to reach their goals.

Class begins August 4, 2020

I look forward to partnering with you on your leadership journey.

2020 by Intentional Leadership