Let's Finally Finish That
        Make the Investment of Time, Money and Your Legacy... 
Sign Up Below for Finally Finish the Book Writing Class via Independent Study! 
Julia A. Royston
Amazon Bestselling
BK Royston Publishing
Royal Media and Publishing
10 Years Owner
100+ Signed Authors
More than 200 Books Published
You have written your ideas on notebooks, napkins, post-its and the back of your hand but still no book!  Why?  It's Not FinishedYou can't make money on a product that you don't have!  That stream of income doesn't exist until you finish!  Let's go!

Determine your topic and audience.

Write with Guidance.  

20 minutes segments, talk about writing and then write some more.  

Develop Your Outline

Create a Daily Writing Schedule 

Determine a Due Date for Your Rough Draft

Pick the Date and Time that Works Best for You!