Nation Media and EQuerry / Co Announce 2022 Media Partnership

EQuerry / Co are pleased to announce a media partnership with Nation Media, a media organization that brings the latest equestrian news from around the world on Eventing Nation and Horse Nation.


Image: The FEI


Image: Nation Media

The focus of the partnership is to move the needle on accessibility and equity in the equestrian industry. Our collaboration will include a series of articles centring around topics of diversity and representation, a video series, and a media mentorship program.

Christine Bjerkan, Founder and MD at Equerry / Co says:

“I am excited for the opportunity to work in a cross-promotional alliance with the dedicated team at Nation Media. Our focus on introducing a rich mix of cross-platform content for all those we work with by shining a light on the diverse range of disciplines, events and talent our industry harbors, will be furthered by this partnership.

If anything, this partnership is promoting aspects of our industry that for a long time have been neglected or even taken for granted, and as our industry and sport forever comes under scrutiny, inclusivity is the only way forward. We’re not here to just talk the talk - we’re walking the walk.”

Sally Spickard, managing editor of Eventing Nation, says:“

Collaboration is at the center of all success. Nation Media prides itself on its relationships within the industry and we’re looking forward to fostering a larger and more inclusive equestrian community for all via intentional focus on relationships and working together. We recognize that we have the opportunity to help open more doors, and this partnership with Equerry / Co is one actionable way to do this.”


Image: Nation Media

Image: Nation Media

Read the press release from Nation Media here.

About Nation Media (Comprised of Eventing Nation and Horse Nation):

Nation Media's goal is to create unique and engaging content that readers want to consume, that promotes community, and that sponsors are proud to be associated with. We seek to bring fairness, objectivity, and advocacy into the content we create - with just the right amount of ridiculousness. We aspire to create a great place to work and a sustainable business. We commit to always embracing the “insanity in the middle.”

For media queries, please contact Amanda Zeddy:


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