Rick Perry's Blog

November 23, 2023

Being Thankful


I love Christmas, but seriously, can we not be in such ahurry to skip past the most important holiday of the year? Now, more than ever,we need a time of Thanksgiving. A time to turn our focus away from the barrageof the daily news of doom and gloom. A time to count our blessings.

I don’t know about you, but I am so tired of hearing abouthow awful the past few years have been. Even the memes aren’t funny anymore. I’m just tired ofthe negativity. In reality, it’s just another year on good ...

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Published on November 23, 2023 07:46

November 10, 2023

 Today is Veteran’s Day, a federal holiday observed annua...


Today is Veteran’s Day, a federal holiday observed annually to honor U.S. military veterans. For a more complete look at the history and significance of the holiday, check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veterans_Day.
My father was a veteran. He served in WWII and although he seldom talked about it, I know he was proud of his military service. I thought I would share a poem from my collection https://books2read.com/randomthoughts that I wrote in his honor.
War Story

My father served in...
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Published on November 10, 2023 11:11

April 14, 2023

The Truth about Dylan Mulvaney

This may be an unpopular opinion in some circles, but heregoes. The truth about Dylan Mulvaney is that he is a man. Plain and simple. Andnot a particularly interesting one, in the view of many of us. He’s an adult,in terms of age anyway, so he can dress or act however he chooses, andsurgically alter himself any way he likes, but the truth is he is not a woman.He can prance around doing his ugly caricature of a woman (which should highlyoffend actual women everywhere), but he is nothing mor...

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Published on April 14, 2023 13:27

April 1, 2023

Liberals and Democrats Have No Shame

Well, it’s finally happened. We’ve become a third worldcountry. We’ve become one of those banana republics where political rivals are pursued,criminalized, and hounded by their own government, while those in power smirkand laugh. That’s what the Liberals and Democrats are doing. They think it isfunny and they’re celebrating while our once great democracy falls.

Meanwhile, they act as if their side has never made a questionablemove. The current regime gets a free pass. The mainstream media ...

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Published on April 01, 2023 14:14

February 18, 2023

Reflections on the GOAT

 Now that LeBron James has become the all-time leading scorer in NBA history, his supporters have once again begun to loudly proclaim him to be the Greatest Of All Time. I’ve written on this topic before (A Writer's Life: The Greatest of All Time (rdperryauthor.blogspot.com)) and I am still not convinced. If you’ve read some of my earlier posts, you also know that I am not a fan of LeBron James for many reasons. (A Writer's Life: How LeBron James Ruined the NBA - Update (rdperryauthor.blogspot.c...
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Published on February 18, 2023 11:23

February 3, 2023

The Real Problem With Identity Politics

As a white male, I’m almost afraid to even comment on the subject of racism. Popular culture (at least from the left) says that I am privileged, inherently biased, and just basically a horrible human being. Therefore, I have no real understanding of the issue (or what it’s like to be a minority) and no right to have (or express) an opinion. So at the risk of being cancelled, here goes!

The following is completely my own opinion, for what it’s worth.

At its core, or essence, racism basically comes ...

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Published on February 03, 2023 18:28

January 1, 2023

How to Start the New Year Right

 I’ve often wondered why so many people obsess over the start of the New Year and make such a huge production of listing some random set of resolutions that rather quickly fall by the wayside. Don’t get me wrong. As a former coach, I believe in setting goals and stating them aloud or writing them down is an important step, but why New Year’s Resolutions? Why wait till the beginning of another year to start doing the things that will improve our lives or make us better, or at least happier people...
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Published on January 01, 2023 10:28

December 10, 2022

Mistakes and Blunders in the News

 I will be the first to admit, I have made many mistakes in my life. Most of these blunders have been small and inconsequential to the world at large, for which I am very grateful. What could be worse than being famous enough to make a mistake that ends up on the front page of the news for weeks on end? Here are a few of the biggest errors of late, in my opinion, of course!

Hershel Walkermade the mistake of running for public office. (Or maybe the mistake was aligning himself with Donald Trump?)...

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Published on December 10, 2022 12:45

November 30, 2022

Twitter Wars

As an independent author, I followed the advice of my fellow writers and joined Twitter a few years ago. Currently, I maintain a modest presence and follow many people, mostly other authors, regardless of their political views. I have quite a few followers, again, mostly other writers.

In all honesty, I am occasionally offended by tweets, but since I am an adult, I scroll on and get over it! I feel no compulsion to engage in fruitless arguments with strangers. Because, again, I am an adult.


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Published on November 30, 2022 10:58

November 18, 2022

My Reactions to the Midterms

I guess now, it’s all over but the crying (and the vote counting in the bizarrely slow states of Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia! LOL.) Anyway, I thought I’d share my thoughts, even though I find the whole mess painful.

My first reaction was a bit of shock and amazement. I didn’t completely trust the “red wave” thing, but I did believe that at least a few of the important/close races in key states would be won by Republicans. Instead, the red wave turned out to be a trickle and most of those races w...

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Published on November 18, 2022 15:30