
Please help us continue our work to maintain and improve Arlington Square Gardens for all the community to enjoy. Each month our volunteer gardeners gather to work in the gardens, over the year we plant, prune, sweep, weed and spread mulch. We have been doing this for 13 years and the gardens have flourished. In 2022 we were awarded the prestigious Best Small Public Garden Square prize by the London Garden Society, recognised as Outstanding by the Royal Horticulture Society and awarded a Community Green Flag by Keep Britain Tidy. Most importantly the square is much used by the local community and visitors from further afield who appreciate its peace and beauty. The gardens are very much at the heart of our neighbourhood, not only are they the venue for our annual Summer Fete and Christmas Fair which raise thousands of pounds for local good causes, they are also where as a community we come together to celebrate national events and are also popular meeting place for friends and family.

In 2023 we have started a project to replant the 4 rectangular bed in the centre of the square which were laid out for the coronation in 1953. The two southerly beds have been completely cleared and dug out, 12 tonnes of compost spread and are in the process of being replanted with thousands of perennials that will provide greater biodiversity and all year colour and interest. We hope to do the same in 2024 with the two larger northerly beds if we can raise sufficient funds.

Any support you can give is much appreciated and will be used to further improve the gardens.

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We completed the planting of the southerly beds in April and these have grown well in the last few months and look magnificent. We are now looking at plans for the two northerly beds, but this is very dependent on us raising sufficient funds to be able to move forward with confidence.

Updated on Thu, June 29 2023, 10:41 AM


Arlington Square Gardens Appeal

The Arlington Association is made up of residents of the westerly part of the Arlington Conservation area in Islington, North London. Our area is an unusually peaceful haven in busy Islington. Our aim is to create a community that knows, cares and looks after each other and the area in which we live.

At the heart of what we do is looking after and improving Arlington Square Gardens for all to enjoy. Each month we hold community gardening days and often you will see our volunteers working in the gardens.


£3,135.00 raised of £6,000.00 target by 59 supporters

£3,135.00 donated

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From 1st April 2023. Until 31st December 2023.


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