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Saturday, May 21, 2022

1 pm to 4 pm est

Don't miss out.


Who is this for?

  • Professional women who are PURPOSE DRIVEN and want to fire their 9 to 5 and start a coaching business but are unsure where to begin.
  • Coaches who don't know how to explain clearly what they do, who they help, and how to properly charge their value, so that you can sell your high ticket offers with ease.
  • Authors who don't have a coaching program, so that you can sell more books.
  • Speakers that don't have a solid offer, so that you can book more stages.
  • Women who want to take back their time and free themselves from the standard traditional work environments, so that they can do more of the things they love like spending time with their children, enjoying their Monday mornings, impacting their community, taking more vacations, and living a life without asking for permission.
  • If you are afraid to start your business because you feel pressure to own your power and live on your own terms then this is for YOU!

A day full of clarity & strategy:

Being in the room is EVERYTHING! Being at the right place at the right time is the difference between winning and losing. People always say you don't know what you don't know. This is why you need to be in the know so that you can position yourself for more vacations, time freedom, and a lifestyle that you can build on your own terms without all the hustle and bustle. Life doesn't have to be a struggle! It starts with you deciding today to take back your POWER!

Don't miss out.
Sign up for this 1-day virtual conference today!
