Young Women Connect Series: Summer Edition Registration Form
Thank you for your interest in the Young Women Connect Series: Summer Edition! We are very excited about our new partnership with the YWCA to be able to provide a summer full of engaging events centered around positive mentorship, skill development, and networking opportunities. 

Who: Open to girls ages 11-18
Cost: FREE

*Any event with a note to meet at the YWCA, 175 North Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604, indicates that there is FREE transportation to the location of the event and back to the YWCA for pick up.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email Jazz Haywood, Executive Director, at or call 585-270-0709. For more information about Jazz Network, visit
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Participant First & Last Name *
Age *
2022-2023 Grade *
2022-2023 School Name *
Participant Phone Number
Participant Email Address *
Please select the event(s) the participant is interested in attending?  *
Parent/Guardian First & Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Emergency Contact First & Last Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about the participant? (allergies, dietary restrictions, medications, accommodations, etc.) 
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