23 Incredibly Cute Baby Animals That Will Melt Your Heart

posted On September 07, 2016
23 Incredibly Cute Baby Animals That Will Melt Your Heart

Nobody can resist the cuteness of baby animals. They are curious, naive, and sometimes funny, just like our kids. You're a hardened person if you can scroll through these baby animals photos without your heart beating fast.

1. Baby Sloth

Sloths seem slow and lazy at first glance; however, their usual idleness is due to metabolic adaptations for conserving energy. Aside from their surprising speed during emergency flights from predators, other notable traits of sloths include their strong body and their ability to host symbiotic algae on their furs.

2. Sleepy Baby Chipmunk

This little chipmunk is tuckered out. Did you know it's also called a ground squirrel?

3. Baby Panda

Did you know that only about 2,000 pandas are found in the wild?

4. The Happy Little Hippo

Did you know that the word "hippopotamus" comes from the Greek word for "water horse" or "river horse." However, hippos and horses are not closely related.

5. Smiley Baby Hedgehog

There are seventeen species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in New Zealand by introduction. There are no hedgehogs native to Australia, and no living species native to the Americas.

6. The Fluffy Baby Leopard

Did you know that fully grown-up leopards can run at speeds up to 58 kilometres per hour?

7. Baby Pig

8. Fluffy+Cuteness=Baby Bunny

If that's not cute then what?

9. Baby Koala

Koalas are largely sedentary and sleep up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring.

10. Baby Otter

Otters have long, slim bodies and relatively short limbs. Their most striking anatomical features are the powerful webbed feet used to swim, and their seal-like abilities holding breath underwater.

11. The Baby Elephant Enjoying Its Time

12. Baby Penguin

Penguins spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.

13. Baby Hamster

In the wild, hamsters remain underground during the day to avoid being caught by predators. They feed primarily on seeds, fruits, and vegetation, and will occasionally eat burrowing insects.

14. Sad Baby Owl

That broke my heart.

15. Baby Red-Eyed Tree Frog

16. Tiny Baby Octopus

Octopuses are considered the most intelligent of all invertebrates but this tiny octopus is so cute.

17. Baby Gorilla

18. Baby Lizard

19. Baby Swan

Baby swan also called cygnet.

20. Baby Pygmy

21. Baby Giraffe

22. Most Adorable Baby Tiger

23. Overdose of Kitten Cuteness

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