Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Angel Shark Conservation Strategy Questionnaire
The Angel Shark Project*, IUCN Shark Specialist Group, the Shark Trust, and Submon have collaborated to develop an Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Angel Shark Conservation Strategy, which focuses on three Critically Endangered species – the Angelshark (Squatina squatina), the Smoothback Angelshark (S. oculata), and the Sawback Angelshark (S. aculeata). This Angel Shark Strategy lists goals, objectives, and actions aimed at safeguarding these three species in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Basin.

Any information that you can provide us with, will help augment our understanding of angel sharks in these waters, thereby helping us to enhance this Conservation Strategy and ensure it is more detailed and comprehensive. We welcome and greatly appreciate any information that you can provide on the conservation, ecology, protection, or management of angel sharks in the Atlantic and/or the Mediterranean Basin. Please be as descriptive as possible - dates, locations, supporting materials and detailed descriptions are all welcome and encouraged.

*The Angel Shark Project is a collaboration between the Zoological Society of London, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig.
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Your Contact Information
Your name
Your Affiliation
Your Role/Title
Your Email
Your Interest in Angel Sharks
What is/are your area(s) or field(s) of angel shark knowledge?
Which countries do you work in or have expertise in?
Do you work on a local, regional, or global scale?
What species do you work on?
Any other comments?
Recent Angel Shark Data or Information
Please indicate dates if possible.
Do you know of any recent angel shark sightings?
Have surveys been completed that might have caught angel sharks if they were still present?
Have anglers reported any angel shark catches?
Have there been any newspaper articles on angel sharks being caught?
Do you know of (or have) angel sharks in any museum collection in your country?
Do you know of any genetic samples of angel sharks?
Do you have any information or idea of the population size in your region?
Have any local/national conservation measures been implemented for angel sharks in your country?
Historical Angel Shark Data or Information
Please indicate dates if possible.
Do you have any knowledge of historical sightings, captures, or landings of angel sharks?
Is there cultural or traditional knowledge that indicates that angel sharks used to be present?
Any other comments?
Past and Present Threats to Angel Sharks
What activities are angel sharks threatened by in your area of interest?
Has the threat to angel sharks changed over time?
Any other comments?
Commercial Fishery Impacts on Angel Sharks
Are angel sharks caught by commercial fisheries in your region?
If yes, are angel sharks targeted or bycatch in commercial fisheries? Is this bycatch retained?
If yes, do you have any knowledge on numbers caught per year?
Any other comments?
Recreational Fisheries Impacts on Angel Sharks
Are angel sharks caught by recreational fisheries in your region?
If yes, are they targeted or bycatch in recreational fisheries? Is this bycatch retained?
If yes, do you have any knowledge on numbers caught per year?
Any other comments?
Value of Angel Sharks
Do you have any information on the use and value of angel sharks (e.g. cultural, economic, ecological)?
Other Information
Do you have any other comments or information on the status of angel sharks?
Please provide any relevant angel shark documents (e.g. photos, pdfs, word and excel documents).
We welcome you to contact us if you would like to discuss terms of use and confidentiality concerns for any information you provide. Contributors will be acknowledged in the final report.
I allow use of this information in relation to the European Angel Shark Conservation Strategy
I request copyright to be listed in the following way:
Angel Shark Network
The Angel Shark Network is an email group held by the IUCN SSG to provide updates on angel shark conservation, research and policy.
Would you like to be added to the Angel Shark Network email list?
We would like the Angel Shark Network to be as broad as possible. Please list names, affiliations, and contact details of anyone else that may be interested in contributing.
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