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'Ia ora na !

Tahiti Tourisme North America (TTNA) is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Hybrid Tahiti Specialist Conference on September 13-15, 2022, in Los Angeles and virtually on our online platform. The inaugural Tahiti Specialist Conference (TSC) was held in person in September 2019 in Los Angeles, and we’ve since organized three successful virtual conferences during the pandemic, and with lifted restrictions, we are eager to return to in person interaction.

This year’s TSC new hybrid format provides options for both in-person or virtual attendance. The conference will focus on how Advisors can grow and strengthen their business and offer face to face networking for in-person attendees. Anticipated topics include postpandemic marketing and selling, targeting to Millennial and Gen Z clients, small business SEO, and more. There will also be ample networking and time with Partners and each other.
Dates & Times
Tuesday, September 13, 2022        11AM - 5PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2022   9AM - 5PM
Thursday, September 15, 2022       9AM - NOON
      (all times shown in Pacific Time)

LAX Marriott, 5855 W Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045
Attendee Requirements
  • Must be currently enrolled in the Tahiti Specialist Program (TSP).
       (Not enrolled? Click this link!)
  • Must complete the e-learning and quizzes to reach Entry level status.
Registration Options
     Virtual Attendee
          There is no fee to attend virtually. Registration is still required.

     In-Person Attendee
          Registration fee includes conference sessions, meals, offsite event, and parking.
*Non-hosted accommodations will be paid by attendee, directly to the LAX Marriott
How To Register?

1. Log in to Tahiti Specialist Program.

2. Complete E-learning and quizzes (if applicable), and ensure that all information on your profile is up to date. Your registration will be based on that info.

3. Find the "2022 TSC" button on your profile page.
you must first complete the e-learning modules in TSP.
IF BUTTON IS VISIBLE= click it to indicate your interest in attending the conference!

You will receive an email containing the link to your registration page within one business day.
Please make sure to monitor your inbox, and/or your junk folder.

4. When you've received the email, click the link and enter the email address associated with your TSP profile.

5. Complete the registration form where indicated; please read the Registration Options section carefully!

6. Click "Submit Registration" button at the bottom to complete your registration form.
     Virtual Attendees- you will see the confirmation message, and receive a confirmation email.
     In-person Attendees- when you see the confirmation message, please click the "Attendee Preferences Form" button to then complete your preferences form.


Early-bird registration ends on August 15, 2022.

Tahiti Tourisme North America
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