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Apsonic Labs Speedrum BE – Lightning fast drum sampler incl. 66 kits

Yay, BEAT mag finally has a drum sampler again!


Apisonic Labs has developed an exclusive BEAT version of Speedrum with 16 MPC-style pads, delay, reverb, bitcrusher and compressor – everything a turbo drummer needs. And we took care of the kits for it: 66 ready-to-play kits with powerful drum and percussion sounds waiting to be used in your tracks.


Pad matrix

On the left side of the Speedrum BE user interface, you will find the Pad Matrix, where you can load 16 pads with samples. Click on a pad here to edit the corresponding sample in the editor on the right. If you hold down the <Shift> key and click on a pad, it will be muted.


Sample editor

The right side of the drum sampler‘s user interface is taken up by the Sample Editor. Here, you can adjust the start and end points and fades of the selected sample. Below that, you can mute or solo pads and adjust playback options.





Global effects

Speedrum‘s Delay, Reverb and Compressor effects work on the entire kit. With the Compressor you can easily glue all drum and percussion samples of a kit together sonically.


Customize sound

A quick adjustment of the sound is possible with the highpass and lowpass filters. To the right, you can adjust the Level, Pan, and Pitch of the selected sample. If you turn up the Velocity, you can play the samples velocity-sensitively. Want some gritty LoFi drums? No problem with the bit and sample rate reduction controls. Finally, the Delay and Reverb controls determine the signal portion of the two send effects.



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