Green Balloon Campaign

If a balloon brought you here today, then you’re probably wondering why and where it came from. Otherwise you’re probably wondering why I’m talking about balloons. In either case, please give me just two minutes of your time to explain..
The “Green Balloon Campaign” is a cooperative effort by ordinary people around the world to persist the “sea of green”, an act of peaceful protest by the common people of Iran against the abhorrent violation of every single one of their basic human rights. There is no act that can justify the indiscriminate beating, killing and torture of a people by its own government.  Yet this is exactly what has been happening in Iran since June 12th 2009, when the surprise re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cause the people to take to the streets to voice their discontent and demand a recount.
The people of Iran have suffered violently at the hands of the Basiij, a parliamentary militia force whose current objective is the dissipation of
On the 12 June 2009, Iran held its 10th presidential election where it saw its current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad running against three challengers: Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mohsen Rezaee and Mehdi Karroubi.
Our objective is to simultaneously increase public awareness while attempting to bring the subject back into the focus of the mainstream TV news networks. Our message is clear and simple: the people of Iran cannot be ignored.
As shown by independent publications such as The Green Brief There is no shortage of news from Iran, but of late we’ve seen nothing but celebrity
leaflets containing an overview of the issues in Iran. tied to green helium filled balloons in a campaign to increase awareness of the situation in Iran, and to bring the subject back into the public eye. How successful this campaign is depends on how many people hit this landing page by visiting the link printed on the campaign leaflets, and whether our efforts have enough impact to catch the attention of the major news networks.


The Green Balloon Campaign is a collaborative effort to continue the “sea of green“, an act of peaceful protest by the people of Iran against the abhorrent violation of almost every one of their basic human rights.

There is no deed that can justify the indiscriminate beating, killing and torture of a people by its own government. Yet this is exactly what has been happening in Iran on an almost daily basis since June 12th 2009, when the surprise re-election of the incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prompted the people to take to the streets en masse to voice their discontent and demand that the results be annulled.

[Due to the short notice in which this campaign was put together, this article is not yet ready for production.  In the meantime please refer to the Green Brief for a day to day account from the 17th June]

Green Balloon Launches