Biodiversity Open Data Ambassadors
See description of the ambassadors' concept here: 

Most fields are obligatory, but only First name, Last name, Affilation, Country, Keywords and ORCID will be displayed in the public list of ambassadors at and websites run by GBIF nodes and partners; visitors of these webpages will be able to e-mail you, too. By filling this form you confirm that:

You can provide at least one example in which you have shared biodiversity data through GBIF, used GBIF-mediated data, and/or advocated open data in your professional capacity.

You agree with the ICSU-World Data System Data Sharing Principles ( - in summary, that data should be shared openly in a timely manner, with the fewest restrictions possible and used with proper citation.

You consent to have your name and contact details openly available on, and possibly on the websites of GBIF nodes and partners.

You consent to be contacted by GBIF Secretariat and GBIF nodes with requests to promote open biodiversity data at particular events.

You undertake to provide details of at least one example each year of an event, publication or process in which you have advocated for open biodiversity data.

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Email *
Title *
First name *
Last name *
Organization. If you have multiple affiliations, use the most data related *
Organizational street address *
ZIP code *
Country. If many, use home base *
City *
GBIF experience. Any kind - data sharing, data use, role in the committees, data advocacy etc., but minimum one example. *
Other relevant experience and activities. Please give a brief account of your hands-on data work, areas of publication, relevant pedagogic experience and opportunities. *
Motivation story. What are your connections to biodiversity data? Why is it important to advocate for best practice, and how do you do this already? 100 words max. *
Keywords. Please add comma-separated keywords (minimum 3, maximum 7) that characterize your professional interests. Please use scientific names for taxa and English for disciplines, methods, vegetation zones, biomes etc. *
Language or languages which you are comfortable using to present and communicate about open biodiversity data *
Please list any upcoming or recurring opportunities you have to advocate for open data for biodiversity *
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