Download this song and support the work in Chicago
to reunite detained youth with their families!


All proceeds from this song will go to the Chicago Anti-Detention Network (CADN). To learn more about the migrant youth detention centers run by Heartland Alliance in Chicago, visit the No Shelter Project, where you can watch several short documentary films (created by organizers from the CADN.)

In exchange for downloading the song (using the button below), we ask that you make a small donation ($1 or more) to the Chicago Anti-Detention Network through PayPal ( or Zelle (773 444 9581). You can write "libera" in the note field. Thank you! (And while we are working on setting up a more universally accessible and streamlined way of making these donations, we thank you for your patience and solidarity!)
About Chicago Anti-Detention Network:
We fight from an anti-colonial perspective for the total abolition of detention and decriminalization of migration. Our model is nonhierarchical grassroots self-organization. We use a diversity of tactics, uplifting different ways that communities struggle. We are committed to community self-defense against repression, infiltration, cooptation, and threats of state and individual violence.
Con una perspectiva anti-colonial, luchamos para la abolición total de la detención y la despenalización de la inmigración. Nuestro modelo se basa en la auto organización de base sin jerarquía. Utilizamos varias tácticas, apoyando las diferentes maneras en las cuales nuestras comunidades resisten la represión. Nos comprometemos a la autodefensa comunitaria contra la represión, la infiltración, la cooptación, y las amenazas de la violencia estatal y individual.
The song is also available for download on our Bandcamp and Soundcloud pages, and will hit Spotify, Apple, and all streaming platforms on June 15th! Please follow us (both Adam Gottlieb and Adam Gottlieb & OneLove) on whatever apps/sites you use! Thank you!
Contact for questions or info. Thanks!