Since 2006 Nithya Shanti has been sharing principles and practices of conscious living with countless friends all over the world. This has led to the emergence of numerous clusters of resonance and networks of clusters. Now the time has come for these clusters to come together as a community with a shared vision, values, and ethos. Watch the video below where Nithya introduces this conscious community. 

An audio version of this talk is available here
You can download the presentation from this video by clicking the link below
To get a better sense and broad overview of what this vision is about, you can click on the link below. It is a list of reflections, inspirations and ideas that have evolved over the years. This is a living document and is being updated as we go along.
You can also download a free PDF called 'The Power of Presence' that contains several of Nithya Shanti's fundamental teachings so you can get a sense of some of the things he has been sharing. 

Based on the live call recording and documents above, if you are feeling a resonance and are inspired to be a part of this conscious community then we invite you to join us. 

There is a subscription fee of INR 500 (USD 7) a month, payable annually, to cover administrative expenses relating to the operation of this community. 

Once you have registered, you will be added to our Telegram groups and you will receive further details on how you can join the bi-weekly community calls and attend various community events. 

Register to become a part of the community

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this initiative...

What are the timings & duration of each community call?

Wednesdays, 6 AM to 8 AM IST and Sundays, 8 PM - 10 PM IST. 

Do couples contribute individually?

Yes, each one who is interested in being a part of the community vision needs to contribute individually. 

Will these sessions be recorded in case we miss them?

Part of each session will be recorded. Not all of it. Interactions 
in breakout rooms are not recorded. 

Is it compulsory to attend all sessions?

No, attend as much as you like. Of course, we encourage you to attend all or as many as you can. Otherwise, why join? 

Can I opt-out of the community in case I wish to?

Definitely. It's easy to opt-out. No guilt, no shame, no blame. Only infinite blessings. We will refund your contribution in full if you opt-out within 1 month of your joining. 

Do you have the option to join this community free as I am struggling with my finances?

Perhaps at this time focus on getting your finances in order. If this relatively low fee is difficult for you then presently your finances need your full attention. Community and vision can wait. You can always join the open/free sessions Nithya offers each month. 
Do we have to be on Telegram to access information about this community?

In addition to Telegram, we will also have a membership platform where all recordings and community resources are uploaded. It is possible to be connected only through that as well and get updates through email. However, the more active  "pulse" of the community is presently the Telegram group. So we do encourage you to join it if possible.