NetSuite Certification Survey
Did you recently get NetSuite Certified, are you seriously considering certification or are you a NetSuite recruiter? Perhaps you're wondering how difficult the exams are, how many and which of the certifications to take, how valuable certification makes a candidate, etc.

You're in good company! This survey is designed to gather insights into NetSuite Certification which are, in turn, shared with you and the wider NetSuite community. Aggregated survey results will be immediately accessible after completing the survey. Moreover, you'll unlock our exclusive indepth series on this topic.

This survey is strictly confidential and anonymous. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Completing the entire survey will take 5 - 15 minutes.

We appreciate your time and dedication to helping us serve the NetSuite community better!

Important: AVOID using the browser back button as it will reset your progress! Instead, use the navigation buttons presented within the survey at the bottom of each page.

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Do you have any experience working with NetSuite? *
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