Are you ready to feel desired, ravished & orgasmically fucked open by money?

"RAVISH ME, MONEY" Masterclass

A FREE 2-hour masterclass where you'll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy & bank account to money like it's a hot 'n' sexy lover that's desiring you, ravishing you and orgasmically fucking you open...and how to magnetize, receive & hold more money.

I want you to know...

Your ability to open up to, receive and hold more money is mirrored in your ability to open up to, receive and hold more pleasure, erotic energy and love.

And babe, money wants you. Bad.

Money wants to worship you.

Fill you.

Fuck you open to your full potential.

Ravish you. (we're claiming this word in terms of being intensely filled with rapture, joy and delight...not the secondary archaic, violent definition...this is a whole consensual, sexy thing)

Provide for you.

Take care of you.

Money wants to serve you and serve the world THROUGH you.

The only problem is that you're too busy turning off, shutting down and closing your heart, pussy and bank account to money, because you feel like you're bad and wrong for wanting more.

You feel guilty and ashamed of your desire for money.

You worry you'll be called greedy and selfish.

That you have to choose between following your heart and soul and being of service OR making lots of money.

You've been taught that money isn't safe. That you can't trust it (or yourself with it).

That you're irresponsible with money.

But here’s the thing, lover:

If you want to have a lot of money (and make a deep impact from your heart and soul with said money) then you need to be OPEN to receive a lot of money.

You need to be willing to open when all you want to do is close.

You need to be willing to open yourself up...

And not close down you heart, pussy or bank account:

Out of fear that you can’t trust money (or yourself with the money)

That it won’t come back to you if you invest it

That you’re bad, wrong, greedy and irresponsible when you spend or receive lots of money

That you’ll never have enough money let alone be dripping with excess money

Out of guilt and shame that it’s bad and wrong to want lots of money (and for it to be easy, fun and sexy for you)

Out of fear that you’ll be too much (rich, sexy, orgasmic, fulfilled, loved, well-fucked) and that everyone will hate you, judge you, leave you

What if making, receiving, holding and investing money was...








Filled with trust


Quantum and wildly illogical but so fucking magical (and real)

Something you knew how to do because it’s actually already inside of you???!!!

I'm here to tell you this is possible! Who am I and why am I hosting the "Ravish Me, Money" Masterclass?

I'm Amber Leitz, certified Erotic Blueprint™ coach.

You can call me the Erotic Headmistress ;) and I want to show you that you can actually cultivate an erotic, alive, sexy, flirtatious relationship with money.

Yes, money is an intimate relationship and it loooooves to get cozy and hot with you.

In January of this year I claimed the desire of MULTIPLE ORGASMS & MULTIPLE 6-FIGURES.

Specifically $30k cash months. And in April I had my first $30k cash month living my best life and using the exact practices, rituals, erotic money codes and transmissions that I'm going to share with you during the free masterclass.

I asked money to share the erotic codes and transmissions needed to OPEN MYSELF UP to receiving and holding that much money.

I decided money wants me. Money loves me. Money desires me. Money wants to serve me. Money loves to ravish me, fill me, fuck me open to my full potential (bank account, soul and erotic potential).

I first started connecting with money as a lover and building that relationship back in 2015.

Then, life happened -- I had a baby (she's 2.5 now) and realized that I needed to come back into erotic relationship with money.

I've been keeping that relationship simmering ever since then, but over the past couple of years I've dialed it up. Gotten even hotter with my money. Gone deeper with myself. Opening, receiving, holding, playing with money.

I’m already multi-orgasmic and I’m currently making anywhere from $15k to $30k cash a month being deeply of service doing what turns me on the most, working with clients I’m mutually obsessed with and ACTUALLY LIVING & ENJOYING THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE.

I want to model what it’s like to bring pleasure, eros & desire into SEX, MONEY, BUSINESS, LOVE & LEADERSHIP.

No, you don’t need to be a sex coach like me. I just want you to bring that sexy, juicy, rich erotic energy into your WHOLE life and lead from there…while being lead in the bedroom.

And being ravished by money. Fucked open TO money and BY money.

You get to be of service, make a deep impact and be dripping with excess money.

The era of the broke healer is over. It's time for you to be a rich, hot, erotic leader who is living your best life, doing what turns you on and making fuck tons of money.


Here are all the juicy details. Is it getting hotter in here...?

WHEN: Friday May 28th from 3 pm EST - 5 pm EST (replay will be available) but come live because the transmission and energy will be sooooo worth it!

WHERE: Zoom! You can have your camera on or off. Bring a beverage of choice to celebrate yourself for signing up! Wear lingerie, your fave outfit -- whatever turns you on.

WHAT: A masterclass where I'll be sharing the life-changing, lineage-changing erotic money codes and potent AF transmissions I've embodied so that you can open your heart, pussy and bank account to magnetize, receive and hold way more money. And ditch the guilt, shame or fear of being judged/being too much/being a selfish greedy bitch.

WHY: Because you'll walk away with your mind blown, heart opened and pussy dripping wet with riches.

It's time for us to connect with money in a way that empowers us, turns us on and allows us to be of service in the way our souls are craving.

You in? Enter your details below!!

Ready to receive, have & hold so much more money that you feel absolutely desired, ravished & fucked open by money?

Sign up for my erotic email community and you'll reserve a spot in my FREE 2-hour LIVE "Ravish Me, Money" Masterclass where you'll learn the art of opening your heart, pussy and bank account to more money (and ditching the money shame, fear & guilt)!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time. You probably won't want to though ;)