Simplify Your Marketing

Learn the foundations for creating simple and effective marketing strategies to achieve your goals without burning out.

Presented by Amanda Laird, founder of Slow & Steady Studio!

Marketing feels hard, because it is hard.

There are a hundred reasons why and none of them have to do with you doing it wrong, babe!

Now that we’ve cleared up, marketing can also be simple, easeful and fun.

You’re in the right place if you’re running a creative business and you’re craving:

  • Freedom from the algorithm and constantly shifting expectations of social media

  • Alignment between your values and your marketing

  • Results from the time, effort and money you’re investing in marketing

  • More time in your zone of genius and less time panic posting

Tune in to the FREE workshop training and start doing just enough!

Here’s what you’ll learn in this free class:

There are no secret magic marketing formulas!

Learn how to create simple and effective marketing plans customized for your business, using the Slow & Steady “Just Eough” framework — doing just enough marketing to reach your audience and achieve your unique business goals, without burning out.

And the best part is, once you learn the framework you can come back to it again and again. Create your yearly or quarterly marketing plan, promote your podcast, launch something new or spread the word about whatever you’re doing!

Business Foundations

Why the most important part of your marketing plan has nothing to do with marketing and everything to do with your business foundations.

“Just Enough”

How to use Slow & Steady’s just enough framework to Attract, Connect, Convert & Delight your clients and customers, without burning out.

Measure & Adjust

Create systems to measure the effectiveness of your marketing so you’re never wasting time on what doesn’t work.

Meet Your Host

Amanda Laird is the founder and principal strategist at Slow & Steady Studio, a marketing mentorship and consulting biz for women doing their own thing — a.k.a. running solo, service-based businesses.

In her work at Slow & Steady, Amanda draws on her 15 years of experience as a creative communicator leading projects from concept to launch for businesses of all sizes, writer and holistic wellness practitioner, as well as feminist marketing and business frameworks, to create simple, sustainable and effective marketing plans for her clients.

Amanda was the host of the Heavy Flow Podcast and is the author of Heavy Flow: Breaking the Curse of Menstruation, published by Dundurn Press and nominated for the 2019 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize for Non-Fiction.

Rave Reviews

What past participants have had to say about this class!

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Sign-up for class already or I guess you could keep marketing your biz like this guy!

Slow & Steady lives and operates on the unceeded, traditional territories of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples.

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