Rise Women's Legal Centre
516 Richards St.
Vancouver, BC
V6B 3A2
VLC Request for Service Form

This form is for Community Partners to complete with their clients to request service through the Virtual Legal Clinic. 

Please note that this intake form is different from the public request for service form on our website.
If you have any difficulties filling out this form, please email vlc@womenslegalcentre.ca.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For safety reasons, Rise will communicates with the community partner via email.  In the email below, we ask you fill out your email and not the client's as all communication related to this form and the next steps will go through the email below. 
Please only include the client's phone number if it is safe to do so. 

CLIENT'S NAME: Rise considers the name an individual uses / refers themselves to as their primary/real name.e.g. If client's legal name is "Jiamin Yang" but goes by "Jasmine Yang", please enter "Jasmine Yang". There will be a separate question for legal names.

Contact information: Client Information

Upon submission, a copy of this form will be sent to the primary email.
Phone numbers

i.e. she/her/her; he/him/his; they/them/theirs

City or town; province/territory or state; country

City or town; province/territory or state; country

As Rise's services are free for clients, we will inquire about the client’s current assets, debts and sources of income at the navigation appointment with the Legal Navigator. This step is taken in order to assess to refer the client to the appropriate legal resources.

This is used to help Rise consider other programs and services that you may qualify for and to report aggregate data to funders (i.e. strictly confidential and NOT reported with any identifiers).

(for example, child, step-child, parent, etc.).

As Rise Women's Legal Centre, we do our best to provide for the unique needs for our clients and are gathering the information below, so we can be best prepared to assist you with your needs. 

We ask you for this information for three reasons: (1) we want to be able to target specific resources that will serve the client best, (2) we collect and review information about our clients to ensure that we are meeting the needs of underserved groups, and (3) we are required to compile anonymous statistical info for reporting to our funders, However, we report general statistics only and we will NEVER give out any personal information about any of our individual clients.

The only required fields are the first name, last name and the date of birth of the opposing party.

If there are more than one Opposing Party in the matter, there is place to record other names.

We are required to ask the client for this information so that we can conduct check for any conflict of interest. We will never contact this person without your knowledge and consent.

Note: We cannot move forward with an appointment with us without the client providing us this information.

Contact information: Opposing Party

Phone numbers

If the opposing party's date of birth is unknown, type in "Don't Know". This cannot be left blank as it is a required field.

Please include a brief description. However, you do not have to include details here or details that you are not comfortable with sharing at this point. A brief description will help us send out follow-up navigation information forms based on what we need, and not ask for extra information that we do not reasonably need. Any information you provide will help us help you better.

The Virtual Legal Clinic is able to provide assistance with family law matters. If this is an immigration matter, please contact Immigration and Refugee Clinic (https://www.irlc.ca/)

Family violence includes physical, financial, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse.

Add in information If the client has Legal Aid, and is looking for change of counsel, or extension of contract. Also, add in any information if the client was refused Legal Aid and is seeking legal aid advocacy.

To book a navigation appointment, please check the confirmation email after submission or go to http://bit.ly/vlcnavigator. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder.

If you would like to review the steps for the VLC intake process, please email smelnyk@womenslegalcentre.ca.